Jersey Shore Comic Book Show

If you are anything like me or the numerous nerds, geeks and just plain nebbishes I grew up with, comic books probably played a big part in your life. While the other kids were beginning to flirt with the local girls or playing Pop Warned football, my friends and I would hunker down in a Brooklyn basement with copies of Superboy, Justice League, Adventure, Batman, Green Lantern, Spiderman…well, you get the sad picture. Oh but it turned out to be not so sad after all. To understand this magical transformation from geek to glory, all one has to do is go to any multiplex cinema from Iselin to Istanbul and witness the incomprehensible amount of revenue generated by films like “Wonder Woman,” “Iron Man,” “Guardians of the Galaxy,” or any of the numerous Batman, Avengers or Thor movies. All comic book characters.

So it should come as no surprise to you to hear that our pop culture craze in this day and age revolves around men and women in tights, who fly, fight aliens and save the world in more ways than you can imagine. The brilliant minds that shed light on the impossible, the fantastic and the mythical are out there today in every corner of the entertainment sphere. And they are also in your cities, your towns, and your backyards. The Jersey Shore Comic Book Show is one such event and for all you lucky New Jersey resident comic book geeks, it will be happening right in Tom’s River on November 26.

Here’s all you need to know…

We will have more than 20+ Artists, Writers and Creators of Comics as well as independent works and they too will have original art, prints and books for sale.  Christmas shopping for the comic fan, nerd, geek has never been easier!!

Joining us will be the 501st Star Wars Legion, always a HUGE hit with young and old alike. The Avengers and several other cosplay/costume groups will be with us as well.  And most importantly….SANTA!

The United States Marines Corps will be there with their “TOYS 4 TOTS” drive.

With Christmas just around the corner, this show will feature more unusual vendors offering up not only comics, but Non-sport cards, Toys, Action Figures, Tee Shirts, Craft items, ( like dog collars, leashes, pillows, purses, etc..) Collectibles and so much More!

Adults $3.00 Children 12 and under Free. 

Receive $1.00 off admission when you bring an item for charity.

Toms River Elks, Toms River
Sunday, November 26

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