Why you should hire a professional

I feel like talking about why we should be hiring a professional Holiday Decorator, for indoors and out. What are the benefits? Let’s see.

The designer’s eye is the first thing that comes to mind. A trained and educated designer with good real life experience can be invaluable. After all, a good installation is extremely aesthetically rewarding, and also shows your ability to hire someone with real design know-how.

What else does it mean to you and me?

New Jersey NewsFirst of all, it takes the worry and stress of having another thing to do at Holiday time. Entertaining at the Holidays can take its toll on you; be it Halloween to Hanukkah, New Year’s or even a Mardi Gras Party, (I have even provided for St. Patrick’s Parties), décor can be provided. In the place of business, it can enhance the visual marketing, and contribute to happier employees, “we care about our appearance.” At the residence, it helps us feel proud of our home.

Next, after the design is agreed upon, the provider comes and does the work for you. Usually, an experienced installation team arrives with all of the supplies, do the work, and they get dirty instead of you.

green-professional2Supplies. The ability to source what you cannot (or, maybe have not thought of). Our company recently found some wonderful products that the customer did not even knew existed, simply because they don’t have access to the resources designers have. We did this by offering alternatives to the commonplace exterior “safe” holiday decorations.

Removal and storage by you is taken out of the equation by letting someone else do the work of sorting, packing, labeling, and taking it away with them. Next year, it shows up again; one phone call or email, and “poof!” All done! The convenience factor of it all is what people really love.

Lastly, when it is all done you can do perhaps as I do, sit down with your favorite beverage and snack with some holiday music, and just enjoy it all.

green-professional4 green-professional3Thank you for your interest in this article. Happy Holidays!

IMG_3228Everett Fink is a Certified Rutgers Master Gardener, Certified Pesticide applicator, and N.J. State licensed Home Improvement Contractor. Everett was designated Top Tier Designer at Sponzilli Landscape, and currently Owns Property Details LLC, in New Jersey. Property Details has a Container Gardening Division designing and maintaining Pools, Patios, and Porches with beautiful flowers, and foliage.


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