Early Autumn Plantings

Hello again, friends, and fellow gardeners,

It is time again to think about, and then take action on our Autumnal plantings in and around the garden.

Althplant1ough I am seeing Chrysanthemums in local garden shops, I think that it is a bit early to plant them just yet. After all, we are still experiencing some very warm weather, and our Mums like it on the cool side. When selecting Mums, consider that there are different bloom times, (as in all perennials), and temperature comfort ranges. I like to question the suppliers as to these times, so that we can get the most color duration by staggering the early, mid, and late bloomers.

One of my favorite autumn flowers to plant are Asters. These plant2plants are mostly in the Blue-Purple color range, and give great contrast in your plantings. Their color lends well to several color schemes.
Reminder: Mums and Asters are perennials!
plant3Millet is a good background plant that adds height and an organic element to the garden. The color is usually in the Brown range, and is mostly a foliage feature, with a reed-like fruiting body.

Ornamental Peppers are a very nice touch added to your planting, plant4coming in a variety of foliage and fruiting colors. I just recently used some in a planting that had a beautiful Purple fruit and foliage. It added well to a yellow-orange range color-scape.

When the cooler temperatures arrive:

plant5Ornamental Cabbage is a wonderful way to add interest of a long-lasting foliage element (or accent) to your fall plantings. The colors and leaf types are really interesting, and with the variety of colors you will always find a match to compliment your flowering plants in the garden beds.(full sun).

Ornamental Kale, like the above mentioned Ornamental Cabbage, offers a different type plant6of foliage, but otherwise identical to cabbage, in most other characteristics in terms of care, and watering.

plant7Pansies, as well as being a springtime great performer, are equally useful in Autumnal plantings. These colors can be stunning, and show up very well from distances. Use them in large groups for eye-popping effect.

Spring Bulbs are probably the last items to be planted in the autumn plantings, as late as Thanksgiving. Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, are the most popular of the Spring Bulbs; as each bulb type has different growth habits, so when you plant, be careful to follow the guidelines as to how deep to plant them. Bulbs are pretty much like automobiles, as you get what you pay for. There are sizes of each color of bulb that determine the size of the plant when it appears in the spring. I like to use larger (100’s) numbers of each color for a large, lasting impression. The color selection of Tulips alone is staggering!


I hope this article helps to refresh your view in approaching your Autumnal plantings this year. Until next time, Happy Gardening!

Written By: Everett Fink
Edited By: Elysse Fink

IMG_3228Everett Fink is a Certified Rutgers Master Gardener, Certified Pesticide applicator, and N.J. State licensed Home Improvement Contractor. Everett was designated Top Tier Designer at Sponzilli Landscape, and currently Owns Property Details LLC, in New Jersey. Property Details has a Container Gardening Division designing and maintaining Pools, Patios, and Porches with beautiful flowers, and foliage.


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