Breast Cancer Beat Down

breast-cancerHi Ladies and those who love them!
We all know someone that has been affected in some way by breast cancer. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. It is the 2nd leading cause of death in women. Fortunately for the fundraising arena, there is a group of tough-as-nails Jersey Girls who are taking the fight right back to the disease, and are doing it with a style and a swagger that can only come from the Real Housewives and their cohorts. They call themselves New Jersey Girls’ Pint Out, and in conjunction with New Jersey Craft Beer, Tuckahoe Brewing Co. and more NJ breweries/brewpubs, the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk will be not only a worthy endeavor but one big party as well. Celebrating in the face of fear is what it’s all about. And ladies, we got your back on this one.
Their Slogan: Helping Fight Cancer One Craft Beer At A Time!

Today 1 of every 2 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer reaches out to the American Cancer Society for help and support. The donations our team raises will enable investment in groundbreaking breast cancer research, free information and services for women diagnosed with the disease, and access to mammograms for women who need them. Our donations will help more than 2.9 million breast cancer survivors celebrate another birthday this year!
Girls-Pint-Out-logoSaving lives from breast cancer starts one team, one walker, and one dollar at a time. We know that the American Cancer Society is the leader in the fight to end breast cancer. We know that supporting them will ensure that if you need someone to talk to anytime of the day or night, they’ll be there. If your friend is losing her hair from chemo, your mother needs a ride to treatment, or a loved one needs a place to stay when treatment is far from home, they will be there to help.

The after party fundraiser event will be held at The Spot Pizza Grill Point Pleasant Beach with amazing specials on great beer and we’ll reveal more information when it’s official!

October 19    Arnold Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach    8:00AM
EVERYONE is invited to participate in the walk.
If you can’t join us, please consider making a donation is where you can sign up for our team or donate to the team

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